Built in 1900, at Long Island City, New York as the Royal.
In 1900, the tug was acquired by the McAllister Brothers Towing Company of New York, New York. Where she retained her name.
In 1937, the tug went out of documentation. Her current, and or, final disposition is unknown.
Vessel Name: ROYAL
USCG Doc. No.: 111305
Vessel Service: TOWING VESSEL
Trade Indicator: Coastwise Unrestricted, Registry
Hull Material: WOOD
Year Built: 1900
Length: 42.9
Hailing Port: NEW YORK, NY.
Hull Depth: 6.5
Hull Breadth: 14.2
Gross Tonnage: 22
Previous Vessel Names:
Previous Vessel Owners:
McAllister Bros. Towing Co.