Tug Bridget McAllister (McAllister Towing and Transportation)Baltimore, Maryland(0)1.jpg)
Built in 2006, by the Foss Maritime Company of Rainier, Oregon (hull #006) as the Leo for the Foss Maritime Company of Seattle, Washington.
A Dolphin class tractor tug designed by Robert Allan Limited of Vancouver, British Columbia. For the Foss Maritime Company of Seattle, Washington.
In 2006, the tug was chartered to the Signet Maritime Corporation of Pascagoula, Mississippi. Where she was renamed as the Signet Magic.
In 2008, the tug was returned to the Foss Maritime Company of Seattle, Washington. Where she was renamed as the Leo.
The tug was transferred to operations in Boston, Massachusetts. Under Constellation Maritime of Manchester, Massachusetts. A subsidiary of the Foss Maritime Company. The Foss Maritime Company had acquired the Constellation Maritime Company in 2006.
In 2011, the Constellation Maritime Company was absorbed back into the Foss Maritime Company of Seattle, Washington. Where the tug retained her name. And, remained in Boston, Massachusetts.
In 2012, the tug was acquired by the McAllister Towing and Transportation Company of New York, New York. Where she was renamed as the Bridget McAllister.
Powered by two, series II, Caterpillar 3512 C HD diesel engines. With Rolls Royce azimuthing stern z-drives. She is a twin screw tractor tug, rated at 5,080 horsepower.
The tug's capacities are 10,000 gallons of fuel oil, 342 gallons of lube oil and 500 gallons of fresh water.
Her towing gear consists of a Markey DEPGF-42 hawser winch mounted on her bow. And, a Markey DEPC-32 hawser winch mounted on her stern.